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The process of basement water removal services Wednesday, January 11th, 10:00 AM
My Own Restoration explains what is the process involved in basement water removal services

Tucson, United States - January 11, 2023 / My Own Restoration /


The portion of the house that is wholly or partially under the ground is called a basement. This part of the home is mainly used to house equipment like HVAC systems, a storage unit for household goods, or a utility area for laundry chores. Water damage in the basement may require professional water removal and restoration services from companies like My Own Restoration.

Reasons for water in the basement

Since this area is under the house, it is more prone to water seeping from the ground. Basements are also more susceptible to flooding than other areas of the property. Since it is below ground, the water cannot flow out quickly and collects in pools in this area.

It is not just floodwater; water from a burst pipe or leaky faucet can also accumulate in the basement and cause water damage.

Additionally, there is almost no ventilation in the basement, so there is no proper air circulation for water to dry off. Sunlight also does not reach the basement, adding to dampness in this area. This condition primarily contributes to the growth of mold and mildew, which can pose severe hazards to human health.

All these reasons make it challenging to keep basements dry and moisture-free.

That is why investing in an efficient waterproofing solution for the basement is advisable, ensuring keeping the basement dry at all times.

Water removal from the basement

In the event of a massive quantity of water in the basement due to an overflow or floods, it is advisable to call in a professional water removal service like My Own Restoration to drain out all the moisture.

Before stepping into the water-logged basement, it is imperative first to switch off all electrical appliances and connections to prevent any short circuits or shocks.

It is also a good idea to contain the source of flooding in the basement to prevent more water from flowing into this area.

Documenting the damage by maintaining records of the extent of disrepair and photographing the basement's condition will help settle any insurance claims.

It would also be a good idea to clear out all items from the basement for salvaging, like personal items, furniture, and other things.

The most convenient and quick way to water removal from basements is by using vacuum pumps which suck out all the excess water in no time.

Even after water has been pumped out, a dry mop can soak up the excess moisture from the floor and walls, bringing down the humidity levels.

Fans and blowers help to circulate air and dry the damp patches in the basement quickly. Switching the air conditioning system also helps reduce the wetness in this area.

Additionally, dehumidifiers can be set in the basement and routinely monitored to reduce the humidity count in the basement.

The last step would be to disinfect and sanitize the basement after thoroughly drying and cleaning it up. There are specially formulated chemical agents for removing traces of all harmful toxins and contaminants. These cleaning agents would also take care of any foul smells and odors.

Removing water from the basement is arduous, and it makes perfect sense to engage a professional water removal services team to assist in this project. They would be skilled, trained, and possess modern-day technology and equipment to carry out the work efficiently and economically.

Property owners who experience water damage in Hedrick Acres, Tucson, AZ 85719, or nearby areas can reach out to My Own Restoration by phone on (520) 283-5647.

Contact Information:

My Own Restoration

3127 North Stone Ave Ste 101
Tucson, AZ 85705
United States

My Own Restoration
(520) 283-5647

Original Source: https://myownrestoration.com/media-room/#/media-room

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